An Introduction to China Translation & Publishing House



China Translation & Publishing House Co. Ltd. (CTPH)is the publishing sector of the former China Translation & Publishing Corporation (CTPC), which was established as a state-level translation and publishing institution in 1973 with approval from the State Council and subsequently affiliated to the State Administration of Publication, General Administration of Press and Publication(GAPP) and China Publishing Group (CPG)successively. Through  over 40 years of development, it had established translation and publication as its two major business segments which  were officially separated into two parellel corporations: CTPH and China Translation Corporation (CTC) in March 2015,  aiming at their respective professional development. In October 2015, CPG International Media Corporation Ltd. (IMC), a subsidiary  of CPG specializing in  international business, was integrated into CTPH.

CTPH has gradually matured from a small unit  publishing UN materials to a publishing house translating and publishing  famous works from all over the world, and evolved from  linguistic and translated works to a comprehensive catalogue of  titles, including audiovisual, digital and multimedia publications.  Featuring Chinese and foreign language learning and cultural exchanges, CTPH publishes about 500 new titles annually in  five major publication lines: international programs, children’s books, foreign language learning, social science, arts & literature, and education.

With internationalization as the main objective and supported by the company’s rapid and stable economic growth,CTPH and IMC have been following actively the state’s emphasis on "soft power" of Chinese culture and playing a pioneering role in realizing CPG’s goal of building a modern, large-scale and international publishing group. They have gradually become CPG’s (1) Major platform for translation and publication, (2) Platform for the operation of key “Going Global” projects, (3) Platform for copyright exchanges, (4)Platform for international public relations management and (5)Platform for overseas research and project planning.

Since 2015, over 100 titles have been funded by the state’s “Going Global” programmes. By the end of 2016, CTPH has completed over 70 international publishing projects. Through innovative cooperation and effective promotion, it has signed over 300 copyright export contracts with publishers from 23 countries across Europe and Americas, including Spanish and Portuguese-speaking countries, and “B&R” and its neighboring countries, via international book fairs and other major publishing events. With CTPH playing a leading role in  several government-supported key projects like “Foreigners Writing about China Project” and “Introduction of Chinese Ethnic Writers to the World Programme” etc, a mounting number of scholars, writers, sinologists, translators and China experts are due to join these projects to enhance the "soft power" of Chinese culture and to provide resolutions to numerous current global issues from Chinese perspectives.


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